Monday's Court Hearing - Part 1

Monday, continued …

Within a minute, the Judge arrived in the court room and sat down at the bench. "Madam Hou, it is good to see that you are on the crutches in here."

"Thank you Sir"

"Gentleman, where are we at with the agreement?"

The national prosecutors office Lawyer stood up "Sir I am from the National Prosecutors office. We have reviewed the agreement that you had amended from Friday, but there is a new issue. Mr and Madam Lu's lawyers have provided a report from her treating medical professionals that indicate that if Mr Lu was imprisoned that it was highly likely that Madam Lu would miscarry. As you have accepted Madam Hou's sister-in-law is a credible technical witness, she has spoken to the specialist to confirm information."

"Gentleman, that is forward thinking. Ms Jones could you please come forward."

[translated question] "Having spoken to Madam Lu's treating specialist, can you explain her condition with the court, and your opinion"