Monday's Court Hearing - Part 2

Monday, continued …

"Thank you sir. Please be advised that I will be informing my employers of Mr Lu's recent comments.

My employers have had suspicions that for at least 12 months he has been using my laptop to access data relating to my employers clients and using that data fraudulently for his own benefit.

While it is my laptop the disappearance of funds from their trust account coincide with periods where I have been absent from our home resulting him in having exclusive access to it."

"Madam Hou, we do not appreciate stunts like this."

"Sir, I apologise to the court, but it was not meant as a stunt. According to my employers, there have been around $50,000 Australian that can be linked to these actions, but they stopped another five million Australian dollars attempted to be transferred in similar circumstances. These actions, are not linked to the matters before the court and are crimes only able to be prosecuted in Australia."