Monday's Court Hearing - Part 3

Monday, continued …

"Ms Jones, I need to understand who has what role, and what part this link plays, so please explain to me more?"

"Your Honour. Mr and Mrs Lu, are facing a number of charges, including assaults on me, and false statements to the police that unintentionally triggered the incident that lead to me being on crutches…"

"You cannot say that. That was part of the deal."

"Ms Jones was that Mr Lu?"

"It was, your honour."

The Judge started speaking, "Well Mr Lu I will give you a little leeway, as your lawyer is sitting in the court here, not with you. I have asked a question of Ms Jones, who is an officer of this court, to determine if this matter should be dealt with today or wait until its return date in two weeks. But, if you interrupt these proceedings further, I will seriously consider having you charged with contempt of court."