Monday's Court Hearing - Part 4

Monday, continued …

After the warning the judge paused and then continued "Just because you think you have something to say, does not mean you have the right to say it when you want. From my reading of the documents and the history of this matter, there is evidence that shows you believe you have a complete and utter sense of entitlement. You view that you are superior to everyone, and in control. Let me tell you, you are not, Mr Lu."

"In this court proceeding I am in control, and I would suspect without much knowing much about the legal system in Country X, you are not in control there. Now one more word out of you I will be recommending to that your actions be referred to the police for contempt of court. Just because you are sitting in a court room in another jurisdiction does not exempt you from complying with directions. Be quiet until you are asked to say something, I will reconsider my position. Ms Jones please continue."