The Plan to deal with Du XuXu - Part 1

Monday, continued …

"Yi, come on I was kidding." Du AnLing paused, and then continued "In fact we have something more important to talk about, and we have avoided it for a week."

"Mother it is quarter to five in the morning, it is not the best time."

"Yi, no avoiding it. Help your wife onto the couch so you can talk to your father and I, while everyone else heads off to bed."

Anna realised that there was going to be no argument with her mother-in-law given the tone of her voice. They needed to discuss the issue of Du XuXu. She grabbed Hou Yi's hand and pulled his head down, and whispered "Let us just get this over with before heading back to bed for a little while." With that she gave him a quick kiss that hinted at more to come.

Hou Yi moved the wheelchair over near the couch, and carefully lifted Anna out, and sat down on the couch with her across him, resting the cast on the couch.