The Plan to deal with Du XuXu - Part 2

Monday, continued …

Hou Jang, decided he had to mess with his son and daughter-in-law, given the toy shopping spree he went on at DisneyLand "So that means I have to get rid of all the toys I brought at Disneyland for a future grandchild?"

"Dad that is fine, but we are getting distracted from the main point."

"True Yi. After I spoke to Du XuXu, family on Wednesday, I arrange a team of private investigators to not only find out about how she left the Sanitarium, but to try and locate her. Guess what I found out?"

"The Lu's are involved?"

"You have it in one, son. Apparently on the Friday, CEO Lu visited the Sanitarium where Du XuXu was with his wife, to discuss funding programs to assist seriously mentally unwell children, stemming from the initiative that his son and daughter-in-law started. Madam Lu Senior had been visiting other mental health facilities with the same goal in various cities during the week, so initially it sparked no concerns."