The Confession - Part 1

Monday, continued …

On returning to their suite Hou Yi helped Anna back into the bed, before moving the chair away.

Anna removed her dressing gown and threw it aside, with Hou YI doing the same before climbing into bed himself. Hou Yi leaned over, giving Anna a passionate kiss.

However, as he started to pull back, Anna quickly reached up and pulled his head back down for another kiss, which only ended when both of them were gasping for air. For Anna, the kiss was a little taste of heaven.

Despite not being able to take thing further, both because of her injury and pregnancy, she knew that this was the time to say something. Not telling him that she loved him, was eating her up inside. Anna was certain it was a love that last a lifetime.

Anna was certain that there was no time like the present to tell Hou Yi how she felt. If she did not, she would regret it, and that is what she did not want. Whether or not Hou Yi replied he loved her did not matter at this exact moment.