Before the Press Conference - Part 4

Monday, continued …

Anna observed the look on Assistant Director Su the moment that he realised that he had been found out, and she had backed him into a corner. All he could stutter out as an answer was "Madam Yao or Madam Hou?" Otherwise it was so quiet that you could have heard a pin drop.

Anna, however, could not help herself, but to remain firm and ready to react. "You got it right the second time. Now I need your answer, or do I call my husband and tell him to get rid of you?"

"I am not going to say anything Madam Hou?" Again, with the tone in his voice, Anna realised that he was terrified about what she was about to do. The look that Anna could see on people around her was surprising. They really wanted to see what he did, and that was something that Anna thought was unusual.

"Well I am going to take that to mean you are happy for me to release the board minutes."