Before the Press Conference - Part 5

Monday, continued …

Anna, took a slip of her drink, and responded "And you mentioning that it was an upon recruitment process for the new director, I think I saw about six faces of people thinking about applying."

Before Anna could say anything, on er screen up popped a message from Hou Yi 'Saw most of the meeting on the CCTV as security were concerned. You and Amanda handled that perfectly. Do you think we need to get rid of them?'

Anna responded 'Acting Director Mien is controlled by his predecessor who has wormed his way into the department assistant director. I do not trust any of them. Keep them on as they are too much of a risk out of the company. But appoint someone from another department to come in as acting director, and pick two supervisors, not senior supervisors, to be their assistant until the recruitment process over.'

Amanda noticed Anna typing, and asked "Who are you messaging?"