Setting and Springing the Trap - Part 7

Wednesday, continued …

Officer Mu decided enough was enough "CEO Lu, I am Officer Mu from the police. You are under arrest for attempted blackmail, and aiding and abetting your son in breaching the restraining order against him, through disemmanting images via mobile communications involving Madam Hou. I have to warn …."

"No damn way, you cannot arrest me, he is the one that you have to arrest. I was promised that the arrests I wanted would happen."

"CEO Lu as I said you are under arrest, and any statements that you make will be used against you …"

"The Senior officer I spoke to you did not send you. S*it."

CEO Lu, started to reach for a gun that he knew his closest bodyguard had in his jacket and was legally carrying, however before he could obtain it, Officer Mu had got to CEO Lu, and was putting the handcuffs on. CEO Lu's bodyguards realied what was happening to their boss, and decided that they had to prevent his arrest, and they moved and pulled Officer Mu away.