Chapter 312: Girls Night Out - Part 1

Wednesday, continued …

After the call with Hou Yi finished Anna turned to one of the bodyguards and said "Could one of you please help me upstairs."

One bodyguard came over and carefully picked Anna Up, and the other collected her crutches, and they went up the stairs to the bedroom level. Once they were there, Anna was carefully placed down, and handed the crutches and she headed towards the Master Suite. She carefully took her time in looking through the clothes in the walk-in robe to find clothes to go out tonight.

Feeling somewhat tired, she sat down on a chair for a few minutes when her phone started to ring. On checking the caller ID, Anna noticed that it was Amanda.

"Anna, what is the world was going on? There are all these rumors flying around the company, and some of them are scary, that Lu Corporation has filed charges that could damage Hou Enterprises."

"Calm down Amanda. By the way do you know what your husband was doing today?"