Girls Night Out - Part 4

Wednesday, continued …

Rosemary was clearly shaking her head, and Anna figured she better say something, or Rebecca would make it her mission to ensure that she was drunk very quickly.

"Rebecca, I've been told that I cannot drink at least until I have the cast off, but I'm still happy for you to do what you want." Anna pause, and then with a wicked undertone "And more importantly it means that I can get the photos to show my brothers that you two lead me astray, not the other way around."

Rebecca squealed "No damn way sister. No photos, no sending anything to my husband. He told me the last time after we went out and got so drunk that if we did it again, I would be banned from going out with you two, unless he was along. We still have your hen's party to get through, and there is no way I want him tagging along on that."