Girls Night Out - Part 5

Wednesday, continued …

All James' words did was make Anna cry even harder. Rather than stopping her, he simply sat there hugging her, and letting her cry out what was worrying her. A few minutes later, she stopped crying, so he slightly moved her back in her arms "Tell me what is bothering you sister. I cannot hep you if you do not tell me."

"James, Yi was being stupid today. I am worried that he got himself hurt."

"Anna, calm down. Let me call your husband, I think before anything you need to talk to him."

"Use my phone, he has had to temporarily change numbers."

"Anna, I will call and talk to him, if you can keep going with your exercises please."

Jamrs took Anna's phone and called Hou Yi, and while he watched his sister, had a quiet discussion with his brother-in-law, finding out a short version of what happened. As he ended the call, Anna finished the exercises. "Well what did he say."