Girls Night Out - Part 6

Wednesday, continued …

Anna, quietly said "Come let us head into the lounge so I can sit before everyone else arrives."

As soon as Anna finished speaking, Alecia looked up and noticed James. She had to ask "Who is that?"

"Alecia, this is my baby brother James. He is over with my sisters-in-law and my nieces and nephews, for a visit. James is in his last year at University completing a Nursing degree."

Alecia, blushed, but as the well brought up girl she appeared to be, she reached out her right hand and said in English "Hello James, my name is Alecia Yao."

James, Anna realised looked somewhat smitten at the young girl, but he reached out and shook her hand replying somewhat quietly for him "Hello Alecia, it is nice to meet you."

James turned to Anna and said "Sister, you need to sit down", and helped her to sit on a bench just along the corridor.