Girls Night Out - Part 10

Wednesday, continued

Taking Alecia into her arms as best as she could Anna quietly asked "Can you tell me what happened after he finished? Do not worry if you cannot."

Alecia nodded and quietly continued "When he was finished, I heard the zipper again so figured that he was finished. I was still pinned to the ground and he then said I was a w*ore and deserved it. He continued telling me that like all w*ores I deserved to be used and as I was now his w*ore he would use me as he wanted. He then decided that he needed to use me again, and I heard the zipper again, and he repeated the process."

"After the second time when he pulled out he pulled me up into a sitting position, and as he removed the gag, he shoved it in my mouth pushing and pulling my head until he came in my mouth, refusing to come out until I swallowed everything. When he pulled out from my mouth he shoved the gag back in, and did it once more until he finished."