Girls Night out - Part 9

Wednesday, continued

Looking around her, Anna realised that Yi was right. She needed some girl time out, with family and friends. Alecia Yao was interesting. Unlike most 16-year-old's she had met, despite projecting confidence, she was deeply troubled. Yes being s*xually assaulted might have something to do with it, but there was more about it.

Seeing Rebecca, Rosemary and Amanda were enjoying themselves with a drink and chatting amongst themselves, Anna got up and moved over beside Alecia. As she sat down she said "I hope you do not mind?"

Alecia nodded, and quietly said "I am just so glad to be out of home even though Amanda is here along with a group of dad's bodyguards. Amanda, I love like she is my real mother, but the latter is just a sigh of how much in the last six months dad has gone into overprotective father mode. I am sick of that."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"But you will tell dad and my step-mother."