Girls Night Out - Part 8

Wednesday, continued …

James, at the moment Alecia started to move, he knew what was about to happen. One part of him wanted to pull away, and refuse to allow it to happen, while the other part knew that this would likely be the only opportunity for it to occur. As he felt Alecia gently pull his head down, he cooperated and allowed her to kiss him.

Alecia gently started to explore James lips, and moving her body as close into James as she could. The kisses and the feeling in his arms for her felt like heaven.

James on the other hand, was struggling. Nearly all semblances of reality the moment Alecia's lips touched his went out the window. it was perfect on one hand but resisting temptation to do anything more than gentle kissing would be a disaster at this moment. He would be no different from s*xual predators preying on vulnerable girls.