The Extent of wickedness - Part 1

**Warning this chapter contains material that is inappropriate for those under the age of 18 years. **


After observing the time on the clock when she awoke, Anna realised that there was plenty of time for them to enjoy a long shower before Hou Yi had to go to the office.

There was, no way that she could not keep still and wake him up early as today, unlike her original plans was going to be a trying day. She was going to help Alecia confront events before spending, what would be precious time with her family before they returned home tomorrow.

Leaning over Anna commenced peppering Hou Yi's face with light kisses, which quickly woke him up and started to become more passionate. As they continued, Hou Yi quickly realised that it was getting close to the point, that if he did not pull away he would be unable to stop. He reluctantly pulled back, but looked into his wife's eyes.

A frustrated Anna, asked "Why, Yi?"