The Extent of wickedness - Part 2

Thursday continued ….

After breakfast, Hou Yi leaned down and gave Anna a gentle brief kiss, not giving a care what anyone in the family thought. He quietly said for her to only hear "Once I have some news I will arrange for Alecia to meet you at the apartment and let you know what is happening."

Anna, responded "Thank you. I love you." And with that she gave him another gentle kiss.

However, their farewells for the day were interrupted by James and some of the children. James commented "Get a room", and the children were heard going "Yuck, Aunty Anna, Uncle Yi."

Neither of them could help but laugh, and Anna responded "Just you wait baby brother. I will remind you of that."

Hou Yi looked down at Anna "I love you." With that he gave her another brief kiss, and continued "I will see you tonight."

With that he stood back up and headed to the door, and as he reached its threshold he received a chorus of goodbyes.