The extent of wickedness - Part 3

Thursday continued ….

On receiving Hou Yi's text Anna called out "James."

With that James came over, asking "What is it?"

"I need your help in returning to Hou Yi and my apartment. I will tell you why on the way there."

"Well …"

"Do not play that game James, it is important."

"OK Anna. Can we though make arrangements to go shopping afterwards."

"Well that has been planned for everyone this afternoon, followed by a huge family tea. With everything I have not spent much time with anyone while you have been here, and I plan to maximise that until you go."

On leaving the Ancestral Home Anna made arrangements to call Du AnLing once she was finished at the apartment to make arrangement to meet them.

Once they were settled into the car, and headed to the apartment, James turned to sister and asked "Why are your dragging me with you?"

"Do you remember Alecia Yao, from last night?"