The extent of wickedness - Part 4

Thursday continued ….

Just as Anna and James settled on the couch, Yan Tan and Alecia arrived. Observing the look on his sister's face, James realised that she needed to speak to the man accompanying Alecia. James took her hand and led her out to the outside area.

Once the door was closed, Yao Tan turned to Anna and spoke "I do not know how you did it, but you have her willing to talk about what happened. Anyone else who has spoken to her about it has been shut down."

"I do not know if it was me, or that she is ready to talk about it."

"Who is that with her?"

"That is my 22 year-old brother. I have already warned him that Yi would lynch him if he hurt her, let alone me, you and Amanda. He is scared what we will do."

"Thank you. At least I do not have to worry. Yi told me I could use his study while she is speaking to the police. I am grateful you will be there for her."

"Not a problem. Just let Butler Ge know if you need anything."