The extent of wickedness - Part 5

Thursday continued ….

On being shown into the lounge area the three polices officers introduced themselves, and sat down where indicated. Once introductions where completed, one officer removed a recording device from their pocket and commenced the formal interview, with the offices present indicating their names.

"We are at the apartment of Hou Yi and his wife Anna, for the purposes of interviewing Miss Yao Xiyae…"

"I hate that name, please call me Alecia."

"With Yao Alecia. Miss Alecia, as you are under eighteen before we can talk to you we need the permission of your parents for us to speak to you."

Yao Tan interrupted, stating "I am her father, Yao Tan. I give her permission for her to be spoken to by the police."

"Mr Yao, we need the permission of your wife."

"My wife is Alecia's step-mother, and is in the process of formally adopting my children."

"Mr Yao, we need to speak to Miss Alecia's mother directly to obtain her permission."