Happy Birthday Triplets - Part 1


Alecia awoke to her being pulled back into the body behind her and realised that it was James pulling her back into his arms. As she hit his chest, he whispered into her ear, "Good Morning Mrs Jones, and Happy Birthday."

Alecia turned herself in his arms and looked directly into his eyes. "Good morning my husband."

James lent over and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. Alecia, however, was not going to allow him to stop at just that. She knew how amazing last night had been after they arrived in the hotel suite arranged by her Uncle Yi. James only focused on what she wanted and it made her understand and accept that what happened six month prior was also designed to be degrading, abusive and taint her as much as it was about forced s*xual intercourse. That made letting go of those memories so easy.

James spent time simply kissing her and giving her so much pleasure before they sealed their marriage through consummating the marriage. That moment was perfection.