Happy Birthday Triplets - Part 2

Saturday, continued …

Fourty minutes, Alecia and James stirred from their bed and James realised it was almost noon, leaving only an hour to get ready for the party. As he sat up he said "Alecia, we need to get moving, otherwise I could almost guarantee that we will have your father and others up here."

Alecia turned and looked up at James and said "But you could join me …"

"If I did that, we would be late. I would guess that the bag has your dress plus makeup and jewelry to wear, and that you will take some time to get ready. You better head in to shower first." James got out of the bed and picked up the bag Alecia had previously taken from him and carried it into the bathroom.

Alecia was disappointed that she would not convince her husband to change his mind, so she climbed out of the bed and walked over to where the hotel staff had previously put their light breakfast. On noticing orange juice she poured herself a glass, and quickly ate some fruit.