Happy Birthday Triplets - Part 5

Saturday, continued …

Meanwhile, as Alecia walked away from James, Anna and Hou Yi, three girls swooped in, enveloping her in a goup hug. One was about her height but with dyed red hair, another was a couple of inches taller than her with blond hair and the third one was taller again, but with jet black hair.

"Hi Melissa, Jessica and Sally, good to see you."

"Happy Birthday Alecia" they all echoed before letting go.

"How come you were not with your stuck-up brothers? When we walked in the only thing, they were interested in was them," responded the red-head.

"Melissa, you know them as well as I do, unless they are the centre of attention..."

"They act like spoiled brats," came the tallest girl.

"Sally, you know I hate when someone..."

"Finishes off your sentences" responded Jessica. "We know. You tell us all the time."