Happy Birthday Triplets - Part 6

Saturday, continued …

"What!" said a stunned Melissa, while Jessica dropped the glass in her hand and Sally's mouth was just opened with nothing coming out.

James moved behind Alecia, and wrapped his arms around her while she said "No we are not kidding. We obtained our marriage certificate yesterday."

"And your dad agreed?" Continued Melissa

"He did, after some discussions."

James looked at Alecia's friends and could see that they wanted to talk in depth with her, so he bent down and quietly whispered "Sweetheart, your friends look like they want to talk to you further, but without me."

Alecia turned in his arms and whispered, "But I do not care..."

"But remember where we are going tonight." With that James lent down and gave Alecia a brief kiss before moving away towards Anna.

"Alecia he is so sweet. Damn, we all wish we met him first." Immediately said Sally

"So girl, when are you going to take him out with us?" followed up Jessica