The Walls are Breached - Part 5

Monday, continued …

Stepping off the stage Hou YI and Yao Tan headed back to his office to await Anna and Amanda's arrival. Yao Tan informed his assistant to ensure that they were shown straight in, and requested tea be brought in for the while they waited.

As the tea was brought in, Hou YI's mobile started to ring. He did not recognise the number but suspected it would be CEO Lu. He answered in and immediately placed it on speaker phone.

"Hou Yi here."

"You b*stard, what are you doing."

"CEO Lu, I could say that it is a pleasure to hear from you, but we both know I would be lying. What do you want? I am not going to play games with you as I have important business to see to." Hou Yi's voice was immediately firm and hard, which was contrary to the grin Yao Tan could see on his face. Yao Tan realised his friend wanted to play a game with CEO Lu and he knew it would be fun to watch.

"What gives you the right to try to destroy my company and take away staff."