The Walls are Breached - Part 6

Monday, continued …

"You cannot counter balance anything. You have no rights to do so."

"Argue all you like, you have two options accept the agreement and get your compensation today, or take us to court and wait months for a hearing, where I can tell you there will not be the generosity shown. Plus our compensation claim will be filed within twenty-four hours with the courts. Your choice."

Yao Tan, was finding this highly interesting. Who was the trusted legal staff member? However it was interesting that Hou Yi could simply push slightly and CEO Lu would react. No matter how much in negotiations he pushed there was never a reaction.

"I do not need to make a choice. You will not be successful, you know I will win."

"Your arrogance is showing. Just because we have never claimed, does not mean that the rights do not exist, and if you want to enforce your rights it will be simply a counter claim to our claim."

"Screw that"