The Walls are breached - Part 7

Monday, continued …

As Hou Yi and Yao Tan arrived in the foyer, a car pulled up and out climbed Amanda and with help came Anna onto her crutches. Both women walked into the foyer, talking ot each other, and Hou Yi and Yan Tan walked over and greated their wives with a brief kiss.

Hou YI turned to Amanda, and quietly asked "You explained everything to my wife?"

"I did and I am guessing you have not let my husband know my involvements of far?"

A sheepish reply from Hou Yi was "I was about to." Yan Tan shot both his wife and friend a look of contempt that he was kept out of the loop with what was going on.

Amanda turned to her husband "Do not get annoyed about this. You forget, I am employed by Hou Enterprises and when it relates to work, I have to retain my responsibilities there. You know that I love you"