The Walls are breached - Part 11

Monday, continued …

Sophie added "My story is similar. Rong Jingye was waiting in the room I was shown into. His offer focused around having me trained to pursue a pop music career, as well as remaining an actor. I had not thought about the latter and it seemed interesting. When I went to leave I told him I needed to think about it as I was only fifteen. He then grabbed me and tied me to the bed. I lost count after he r*ped me the eighth time."

"When I got to the company the next morning I was taken to an off-site meeting. On entering the room Rong Jingye was there and played footage of what happened to me. He told me unless I immediately performed oral s*x on him he would release it to the media and he would kill my family. As I was on my knees unknown to me my manager came into the room and filmed me complying with his demand."