The Walls are breached - Part 12

Monday, continued …

Anna paused and thought deeply as to what she could do. Clearly these girls needed to have their story heard. She believed it, and she knew that there would likely be enough circumstantial evidence to back up their stories. And as she thought this would be deadly to Lu Corporation, the entertainment division being used by the company CEO, and friends/acquaintances as a recruitment place for pedophilia activities.

"Mary and Sophie the lawyer in me wants to tell you that the you need to talk to the police and have then dealt with by the courts. You need to stand up and say that it was unacceptable, and I will not let another person be hurt as I have. That is the hardest decision to make, when someone you trust abuses that trust. My story I would have to say is well known, and it was only with the support of my husband that I actually felt I had the strength to say no more."