The Walls are breached - Part 13

Monday, continued …

Sophie looked around and knew that she had support, but all she could say is "I do not know."

Anna's observations told her that further discussing the situation was not going to help. "Sophie do not worry, just know that both companies, the joint venture and those of use around you will support your decision. Take the time that you need."

Anna observed those talking to Amanda had left the room, leaving the five of them the only ones present, although their bodyguards would not be far away. At the moment the important thing was Mary and Sophie, nothing else. Amanda, walked over to them.

"Girls, this my friend Amanda Mei, a lawyer who works with me at Hou Enterprises. She also is the wife CEO Yao, of XF International. I trust her so you can. Mary, given my cast, I will tell her what you have told me and she will go to the police station with you to protect you. Sophie, talk to her as I think she can help you."