The Walls are Breached - Part 15

Monday, continued …

Anna, simply remained stunned. Could it be possible that Alecia had confused a few facts? She was never assaulted by Lu Jinhu, but his father and a friend. He just helped set up the situation?

Something clicked for Hou Yi "It has to be possible. Remember over the last ten years or so, Lu Corporation have quickly secured favourable deals with companies after the teenage daughters of the CEO's or owners were assaulted. It is quite possible that there was a set up that made it seem like the daughters were to blame, and that used to blackmail them. He could have been planning to do the same to you Tan and then against me as Alecia is my goddaughter."

"That makes some sense, as the attack on Alecia was a couple of weeks after I told Lu Corporation that I had sold that recording company to you, as they wanted it. Their offer was never as good as Hou Enterprises offer, but they never accepted that I rejected it for sound business reasons."