The Walls are breached - Part 16

Monday, continued …

After the call ended, Hou Yi noticed Yao Tan was a mess. All he could think about what happened to Alecia. He was reluctant to leave him, particularly given Amanda was dealing with what had happened to the young artists. The problem was he needed to get back to Hou Enterprises.

He turned to Anna, and whispered "Sweetheart, I have to leave, but I am worried about leaving Yao Tan alone."

"Yi go. I will stay. The last thing he needs to think about is what happened to Alecia. He is blaming himself as he has reached the conclusion that business is the reason that Alecia was attacked. Whether or not that is the case, it is not his fault. Go. I will not leave him alone, and I will convince him to take me out for a meal which I will pay or it."

Hou Yi gave Anna a brief kiss, and then said, "I will leave a couple of bodyguards here for your safety."