The Walls are breached - Part 21

Monday, continued ...

As Yao Tan and Anna exited the restaurant, Yao Tan turned right rather than left which would have taken them back to where they had been dropped off.

Moving slowly Yao Tan spoke "Anna, I just wanted to show you a couple of things before we leave the area, so you understand some things to tell James. When the triplets were born, calling this area a dump, would have been kind. It literally was the worst area in town. As I said earlier this was the only option where I could live, work and afford to care for the children without spending hours per day travelling and wasting money better spent on the triplets."

Pointing to a building across the street, he continued, "I was able to convince my parents to loan me enough money, at a commercial rate, to purchase a tiny one-bedroom apartment in that building. I was considering renting a two-bedroom apartment but its rental was more than what the loan repayment on the one-bedroom apartment was."