The Walls are breached - part 22

Monday, continued …

As Anna was about to enter through the door she turned and noticed that Yao Tan was not worried. He seemed to know what was going on and signaled to Anna that it would be OK. He then entered after her. Anna realised in addition to Snake there were five other men in the building, all of a similar build with tattoos like Snake. A couple of chairs were brought out for Anna and Yao Tan to sit on. The room was dark, and full of shadows, that simply reminded Anna of a gang den often seen in movies.

Once they were seated Anna observed that Yao Tan was relaxed. He then spoke "OK Snake, why have you, Lizard, Shark, Croc, Tiger and Lion all called me here."

"Who is that?" Spat out one.

"Settle Tiger, this is Anna, Alecia's sister-in-law."

"What, our princess married?"

"Shark as I told Snake, she blackmailed me. Either I let her marry Anna's brother or she would wait twelve months and have nothing to do with me. What do you think I did?"