Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 3

Wednesday, continued …

Two minutes before 11am, the car carrying Anna and Hou Yi pulled up outside Lu Corporation and they promptly exited the car with bodyguards surrounding them, one carrying a briefcase the Hou Yi. As they reached the door three Lu Corporation security guards blocked their entry, with one stating "CEO Hou you need to leave as you have no right or reason to be here."

At the nod of Hou Yi, the bodyguard carrying the briefcase pulled out a folder labelled entry, and opened it before handing three pieces of paper from the folder to the security guards. As soon as they started to read the pages, Anna observed the change in the look on their face. She knew that these documents, without seeing them, guaranteed their entry.

Hou Yi spoke "Gentlemen, we have every right to enter, now you can escort us to the boardroom there the board meeting, as we have every right to attend."