Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 4

Wednesday, continued …

CEO Lu already incensed at their presence retorted "More fool him. Now the two of you get the hell out of my company?"

Despite Hou Yi's warning, Anna decided to continue the verbal sparing to drag him down. "Your company, I thought it was the shareholders company. I did not know you owned all the shares. So then everyone present here is here by mistake then."

Hou Yi observed CEO Yang, and members of the Lu Family who were present in the room. While they were furious that Anna was baiting CEO Lu, but at the same time were worried about him wanting to push them out of the company. Their body language however told him that they wanted to see where this ended up.

"You b*tch, it damn well is my company, it has my name on it."

"It also has the name of the gentleman over there," pointing in the direction of the Lu family members in the room. "From what I understand …"