Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 12

Wednesday, continued …

Hou Yi looking directly at CEO Lu continued, "That is fifty-five percent of the shares voting for your removal. CEO Lu, you are removed as CEO of Lu Corporation. The only thing, and I hope everyone else agrees is until the temporary CEO is appointed by the External Committee, you will remain the public face of the company." This drew nods from around the table.

"I will fight you all the way."

Firmly, enjoying this Hou Yi retorted "Try it. The majority of shareholders have spoken, and I would guess the majority of your family members over there" and he was pointing to the Lu Family Members present "would also agree. Gentleman I want no involvement in the process, nor will Hou Enterprises be involved. I would suggest that CEO Yang, given the family connections be in charge of the external committee now and when Lu Jinhu's ban ends for the permanent CEO."

"Forget It" screamed CEO Lu.