Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 13

Wednesday, continued …

Looking directly at CEO Yang, Hou Yi responded "I do not give a care. I believe that you have already guessed part of the reason behind my actions." Hou Yi observed that CEO Yang was nodding. "Leaving that to one side all I want for the Interim and then final CEO appointment is a process followed, and that Lu Corporation resources are not used to tagert my wife or myself, which they have been."

"Presently there are two criminal investigations over Lu Jingho's actions towards us in the last couple of weeks. His targeting of me definitely involved company resources, and I believe that he may have also used company resources in targeting my wife. Additionally I believe another investigation is pending coming from the overnight raid. All I can ask is that you are honest and do your best during the process CEO Yang."

"CEO Hou, please be honest with me. Are you keeping your shares in the long term?"