Two Weeks GONE

Wednesday (One week later)

Hou Yi awoke to Anna's gentle kisses and reached to hold her head in place for a longer more passionate kiss.

As they broke away from each other He gently said, "What a way to start the day."

"A perfect way Yi."

"Now sweetheart, you have your appointments at the hospital, what are you planning to do afterwards?"

"I figured I need to come into the office . I was going to rest, but given I will be in Hong Kong next week …"

"How in the world did you get roped into that trip?"

"Susan and Wayne could not go with the girls. So they did not miss out I promise to accompany them on the dance school trip. I have worked out with the tour company given I am now here I will simply meet them at the airport and joining them from there. One of the other parents has agreed to be responsible for the girls once they are air-side at Melbourne until they arrive."