A Surprise - Part 1


Anna was woken by her mobile phone ringing, and as she answered it saying only half awake "Hello?"

"Sweetheart …"

Hearing Hou Yi's voice was enough to immediately wake Anna right up. At that moment she realised how different it had been. Despite everything that had happened since they married, last night was the first night, other than when she was in hospital that they had not slept in the same bed. Even then, he was in the room with her.

Anna realised that despite how their marriage started, everything that they had been through until now and how long they waited until they had confessed to each other how they felt, there had been that simple constant. It was calming and more importantly had ensured that she had always felt safe particularly given how Lu Jinhu had made her feel. She needed her husband near her.

"Yi, last night …"