After the Raid - Part 5

Sunday, continued …

After hearing Lu Jingho, his lawyer realised that they would go in circles and he would not accept the advice provided. He figured that what he had to do was simple to try and protect him as much as he could when he started to say the wrong thing. "Mr Lu, I understand your instructions but realise that I have been attempting to advise you about risks."

As they both looked up, and Officer Kang walked into the room, and asked "Are you ready to continue?"

Lu Jingho spat "Yes, let us get this over with."

With that Officers Kang and Ho came in and the recording devices were re-started.

Officer Kang asked "Gentleman we can confirm that we have restarted the recording equipment. However, before we continue further in the interview, we need to confirm that you have had sufficient time to speak?"

Lu Jingho spoke "Absolutely. I want to get this over so that I can return home."