After the Raid - Part 6

Sunday, continued …

Lu Jingho looked at the police officer as if he was speaking nonsense. "I have cooperated and now I am leaving."

In an even firmer voice, Officer Kang responded "Mr Lu, this is the only time that I am giving you a second warning. Sit down, we are nowhere near finished. And let me tell you I have very little patience for a liar like you who cannot keep anything straight."

"Who are you calling a liar."

"Mr Lu sit down. You can do it voluntarily or, we will make you sit down and add to the charges you will face that of hindering a police investigation."

"You have no thing on me, so forget about me cooperating."

Turning to Lu Jingho's lawyer Officer Kang said "Given your client is not listening to me, he will be forced to sit down. We will handcuff him until we finish this interview but will allow you one opportunity to have him cooperate."