After the Raid - Part 7

Sunday, continued …

Officer Kang having hit a sensitive point decided to press his advantage "Mr Lu we have been generous to you and your lawyer. We have statements from both police officers, CCTV footage and Madam Hou's statement that confirms your admissions as to being involved in that matter, telephone logs and even a statement from a Lu Corporation employee that confirms that you made a telephone call."

"It is a lie. I had nothing to do with that incident."

Officer Kang, decided to push, and drive him a little crazier, "Mr Lu, you are lying. You admitted to Madam Hou that you made statements that ended up in her assault."

"It is a lie; she was the cause of her own assault."

"Mr Lu, even your son admits you were involved. He …"

"He is an idiot and would not know the truth even if it was right in front of him. He is just like a little child lashing out at its parents because he did not get his own way."