After the Raid - Part 9

Sunday, continued …

After hearing what was said, it took Anna over fifteen minutes, wrapped in Hou Yi's arms to get to the point Hou Yi felt comfortable to ask "Sweetheart, are you OK to call Alecia and James?"

Despite Anna having settled, Hou Yi when he looked in her eyes could see how much she was hurting, but with those few words he could see that she was trying her best to put her hurt aside to start to deal with the reality of the next few hours. Anna took a few deep breaths, still trying hard not to cry and nodded at Hou Yi, who dialled James' mobile. It immediately went to message bank, so he left a brief message for James to call him if he had not reached him and Alecia.

Then, he tried Alecia's number and it started ringing, and after three rings, Alecia picked up "Uncle Yi, what are you calling for?"

"Alecia, where are you and who is with you?"

"Uncle Yi did Dad put you up to call and check up on me?"