After the Raid - Part 10

Sunday, continued …

After letting Anna have another cry in his arms Hou Yi gently moved her off him so he could head into the bathroom running Anna a bath before coming back and carrying her into the bathroom. Before leaving he said "Have a soak in the bath. I will start making those calls before coming and joining you."

Looking directly at Hou Yi, Anna said "Yi..." in a voice that was so tempting for Hou Yi to simply remain in the bathroom. At the same time, she slowly slipped off the nightdress that she had put on at some time during the night to tempt him further to stay.

Swallowing, realising how difficult it was to leave Hou Yi turned and moved towards the door, before turning back and saying, "Sweetheart I need to make these calls, but I will return as quickly as possible."

As Hou Yi was leaving the bathroom Anna said quietly "You better be back quickly Yi ..."