Wedding Bells - Part 2

Saturday, continued …

As Hou YI exited their room in came Susan, Rosemary, Rebecca, Amanda, Alecia, Du Anling and Leng Xi.

On spotting her son leaving Du AnLing commented "Darling, get out of here. I gather your half of the wedding party are meeting in Tan's suite, and you are meant to all be doing something with the boys for a couple of hours."

Hou Yi leant over and gave Anna a brief kiss before quietly saying "See you at the Altar."

As Hou Yi was shutting the door behind him Rosemary and Susan came over and quietly dragged Anna back into the bedroom before asking "How are you?"

"Calm down you two. I just over did it yesterday a little. I am fine."

Rosemary continued "You had your husband panicking, let alone me."

"Apologises. Is that why you did not insist on dragging him away last night?"