Wedding Bells - Part 3

Saturday, continued …

On opening her eyes Anna noticed trays with sandwiches and finger style food being brought in and placed on the table. There were two dress racks with garment bags hanging on them, which would be everyone's dresses.

Despite having been married to Hou Yi for months, Anna was starting to feel nervous and turned from the food. Susan, having anticipated Anna's action handed her a plate with a few sandwiches on it and a glass of orange juice with a straw before saying "Eat and Drink, you still have a lot to get through."

On observing the look on Susan's face Anna turned and saw a similar look on Rosemary's face. They both were in nurse mode and she would achieve nothing arguing with them. The last thing that she wanted was food, but Anna realised it would be hours before she could have anything to eat or drink and gave in eating the few things Susan placed on her plate before heading into the bathroom to clean her teeth.