It's Friday again, I guess that means Court - Part 1


Despite having spent a long passionate night with his wife Hou Yi work up early and simply leant on his elbow watching her sleep. This was something that he was going to miss over the next ten or so days. He was hopeful that this should be the last business trip that he would have to do before Anna was due to give birth. Uncle Feng had already told him that he would try and make the trips for him after this.

The only thing about this trip was that he was disappointed that he could not take Anna with him, but as the obstetrician telephoned him Wednesday afternoon and told him, his preference would be for Anna not to travel overseas unless absolutely necessary and they would have to the obstetrician's approval for any trip.  As he said, he did not want to say that to Anna directly as he was not certain how she would take it and she did not need the stress of another restriction on her.